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Nut Candle

Nut Candle

Regular price LE 1,575.00 EGP
Regular price Sale price LE 1,575.00 EGP
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In Egyptian religion, a goddess of the sky, vault of the heavens, often depicted as a woman arched over the earth god Geb. Most cultures of regions where there is rain personify the sky as masculine, the rain being the seed which fructifies Mother Earth. In Egypt, however, rain plays no role in fertility; all the useful water is on the earth (from the Nile River). Egyptian religion is unique in the genders of its deities of earth and sky. As the goddess of the sky, Nut swallowed the sun in the evening and gave birth to it again in the morning.
Nut was also represented as a cow, for this was the form she took in order to carry the sun god Re on her back to the sky. On five special days preceding the New Year, Nut gave birth successively to the deities Osiris, Horus, Seth, Isis, and Nephthys. These gods, with the exception of Horus, were commonly referred to as the “children of Nut.”

Product Detail
Height: 15 cm
Width: 7.5 cm
Weight: 646g
40% Porcelain
50% Sandalwood and ginger scented candle
10% wooden lid
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